Benefits of the Second Saturday Divorce Workshop
If you are contemplating divorce or actively going through divorce, you should consider a divorce workshop in Fairfax, Virginia. Divorce is a stressful and overwhelming process, but Cook, Craig & Francuzenko’s Second Saturday divorce workshop will give you the legal, financial, and emotional information that you need to make informed decisions about your marriage and life. What You Learn in a Second Saturday Divorce Workshop There are many benefits to attending a Second Saturday workshop. Overall, you can learn about the many ways to go about getting your divorce: from collaboration, uncontested, contested litigation, and/or mediation, there are many options and paths that your divorce could follow. You will also learn how all those paths are not mutually exclusive and could branch off from each other. Litigation This is the typical Hollywood and media portrayal of divorce. One spouse files an adversarial divorce action, both spouses hire a lawyer and you go to court. Your lawyer represents you and your best interests regarding child custody, child support, property division and more, and you may – but don’t necessarily – “fight it out” in front of a judge. Mediation During the mediation process, the spouses meet with a