second saturday divorce workshop fairfax va

Benefits of the Second Saturday Divorce Workshop

If you are contemplating divorce or actively going through divorce, you should consider a divorce workshop in Fairfax, Virginia. Divorce is a stressful and overwhelming process, but Cook, Craig & Francuzenko’s Second Saturday divorce workshop will give you the legal, financial, and emotional information that you need to make informed decisions about your marriage and life.   What You Learn in a Second Saturday Divorce Workshop There are many benefits to attending a Second Saturday workshop. Overall, you can learn about the many ways to go about getting your divorce: from collaboration, uncontested, contested litigation, and/or mediation, there are many options and paths that your divorce could follow. You will also learn how all those paths are not mutually exclusive and could branch off from each other.   Litigation This is the typical Hollywood and media portrayal of divorce. One spouse files an adversarial divorce action, both spouses hire a lawyer and you go to court. Your lawyer represents you and your best interests regarding child custody, child support, property division and more, and you may – but don’t necessarily – “fight it out” in front of a judge.   Mediation During the mediation process, the spouses meet with a

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FAQ About Family Law / Domestic Relations

FAQ About Family Law / Domestic Relations in Virginia

How quickly can I get a divorce in Virginia? If you have a written property settlement agreement, we can usually get you divorced in approximately six weeks, if the other side is cooperative. If you do not have an agreement, the Courts try and have a divorce trial within one year of filing.   How can I get sole child custody? There are two types of custody, legal and physical. The Court’s generally award joint legal custody as they want both parents involved in the major decisions affecting the child. The Courts may award sole legal custody if one party has mental health issues, has alcohol or drug impairment, has committed violence against you and/or the child, or is so nasty that you can’t have a conversation about the child with the other parent. Physical custody is where the child primarily resides. If one parent has over 90 days with the child in one year, this will be considered shared physical custody for child support determination.   How is alimony determined? In Virginia, alimony is called spousal support. There are a number of factors that the court determines in awarding spousal support. Some of these factors include, the incomes of

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best divorce lawyer Virginia

How to Find the Best Divorce Lawyer for You in Virginia

When it comes to choosing a divorce lawyer, the choices can be overwhelming. Choosing the right kind of lawyer can make or break your case so it is important to choose wisely. These tips should help your search. Respect First, it is important to choose a divorce lawyer who respects and values the ethics of their profession. In your search, you will likely encounter lawyers who brag about their achievements. While it is good to be proud of your success, this shouldn’t be done in a disrespectful manner. If the attorney disrespects other lawyers or likes to discuss their high-profile clients and cases, you should probably steer clear. If the attorney is condescending towards you, run.  You want a lawyer who respects you and, your case. Location Choosing a local divorce attorney is important. You need an attorney who is familiar with the local rules, as well as the legal officials, and judges in the area. A divorce attorney with knowledge of the local rules and court systems will be an invaluable asset during your divorce case. Experience Obviously, you want an attorney with experience. During your consultation, you should ask about the attorney’s level of experience with cases like

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digital assets and divorce in Virginia

Digital Assets and Divorce in Virginia

Five years ago, I had never heard of Bitcoin or NFTs. Now, we are valuing and distributing these assets in divorce matters. Understanding hidden digital assets and divorce can be difficult. If you are getting divorced and believe that your spouse has or is hiding digital assets, you should speak to a Virginia divorce attorney immediately. NFTs If your ex is tech-savvy, he or she may be hiding assets in the digital world. NFTs (or “non-fungible tokens) are a digital asset that represent real world objects like music, videos, or art. They are part of the blockchain and are bought and sold online with cryptocurrency. Non-fungible means that the object is unique, like a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork. This uniqueness is verified via a digital signature. NFTs are big in the crypto world. In fact, investors are sinking big bucks into NFTs to represent everything from memes and tweets to digital art and viral TikToks. The NFT market value for the second half of 2021 was over $2 billion. NFTS as Digital Assets When it comes to divorce, dividing marital assets can be tricky. This is especially true when you factor in digital assets. Unfortunately, it is very easy to

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Separation Agreement Lawyer Virginia

Separation Agreement Lawyer in Virginia

Do you need a separation agreement lawyer in Virginia? While some people may not think so, having a separation agreement lawyer in Virginia ensures that you follow the law and conduct the correct procedure for your separation. Having a professional agreement drafted by a lawyer may save you thousands of dollars when later trying to interpret an “internet” separation agreement. Here is what you should understand about separation agreements and how a lawyer can help. Separation Agreements Virginia allows no-fault divorce when specific requirements are met. A married couple with minor children must live separate and apart for one year. If there are no minor children, this period is only six months so long as you have a written separation agreement. Many states have a procedure for a married couple to attain a “legal separation,” but Virginia does not. In Virginia, couples who are seeking a divorce must live separate and apart without cohabitation or interruption (with or without a separation agreement) for the specified amount of time, to obtain a divorce. Separate and Apart For the purposes of a divorce on the grounds of separation in Virginia, living separate and apart requires two things. First, physical separation and second,

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