Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act

Your “Free” Usage of Some Websites May Cost You More than You Know

“If it’s free… you’re the product.” That saying has never been truer at any point in time than in 2021. If you use Facebook, Google, Snapchat, TikTok, or Amazon, then you are the product, no matter what service they provide you, and you’re the best-selling product they’ll ever have. Against such large multinational corporations what can you, as a consumer, do to protect your data? General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union Luckily (some) politicians and interest groups have noticed and are beginning to act against the misuse of our personal data. The European Union passed the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), which allows EU residents to have a say in how their personal data is collected, for what purposes, and its sale to other entities. Private Right of Action Online The GDPR also has what is called a “private right of action” which means that individuals, not just the government, are allowed sue and seek monetary damages for misuse of the individual’s data. The GDPR does not grant any protections to American Citizens, or anybody outside of the European Union. So why does the GDPR matter to an American? The GDPR has become a sort of “guideline”

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