By statute you can have up to 30 days to pay your fines and costs. If you are serving a…
If you are charged with a federal offense in Northern Virginia, you may be wondering why the crime is considered…
Iron Chef Cat Cora was arrested on DUI charges following a traffic accident. A Fairfax DUI defense attorney has more…
Learn three important things about your Miranda rights and how to contact an experienced Fairfax criminal defense attorney if you…
Actress Amanda Bynes has been arrested for hit and run and drunk driving accident this year. Learn about the latest…
A defense to Virginia drunk driving charges may be possible. Learn about three common DUI defenses and why you may…
The CDC has released important new information about teenage drinking and driving and how it can be prevented in Virginia…
Woman charged in traffic incident where she rammed another car several times.
Studies find that playing risk glorifying video games leads to morme risky driving out on the roads