Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer in Fairfax Virginia

Pregnancy is meant to be a joyful time for every woman. Unfortunately, it can bring added stress from discrimination by your employer. At Cook, Craig, Francuzenko, our attorneys can handle your pregnancy discrimination case and ensure that you are treated fairly.


What is the Virginia law for pregnancy discrimination?


Virginia state law doesn’t explicitly require employers to offer pregnancy leave. However, employers covered under the Virginia Human Rights Act must offer the same leave benefits to pregnant women as employees with other temporary disabilities.


The U.S. Department of Labor enforces the Family and Medical Leave Act. This act states that a new parent may be eligible for 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a newborn. Additionally, The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 prevents gender discrimination related to pregnancy.


What is pregnancy discrimination?


Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer in Fairfax Virginia

Discrimination on the grounds of pregnancy related reasons is illegal. This can include anything during the pregnancy, medical conditions that arise from the pregnancy, the actual birth, and more. Common signs of pregnancy discrimination include:


  • Firing an employee after pregnancy
  • Refusing to hire a qualified, but pregnant, job applicant
  • Asking job applicants if they have plans to become pregnant in the future
  • Refusing to accommodate an employee or offer family leave
  • Demoting expectant employees with no reasonable excuse
  • Changing the assignment of expectant employees without valid reasons


[Related: Employment Law FAQ]


How hard is it to prove pregnancy discrimination?


In the ideal situation, your boss should be accommodating you during and after your pregnancy. In some cases, you may need more time to heal postpartum, or you might experience complications during your pregnancy. As a result, your employer is supposed to make your life in the workplace easier. This includes reducing the level of labor-intensive work that you can do, offering more frequent breaks, or allowing you to sit when possible. During this period, your job should be protected.


How to win a pregnancy discrimination lawsuit?


Timing is key when it comes to pregnancy discrimination lawsuits. As time passes, key witnesses may easily forget critical facts, and you can also lose documents that would make your case stronger. As soon as you experience discrimination, contact a lawyer.


Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer in Virginia


Contact a lawyer immediately if you suspect pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. This should be a safe place for you, not a stressful one. Modern workplace laws protect you and you should never feel uncomfortable about this exciting time of your life. Contact Cook, Craig, and Francuzenko today.


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