Is My Spouse a Narcissist?

Is my spouse a narcissist? It can be a difficult question to answer. When does self-centered cross the line into narcissism? If you are wondering if you might be married to a narcissist, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, this personality disorder can remain hidden for years before the individual’s true colors shine through. However, if you… Continue reading Is My Spouse a Narcissist?

Can Co-Parents Use ChatGPT to Navigate the Legal System?


ChatGPT is a popular artificial intelligence chatbot, widely available online. It not only analyzes data, but it also creates, or generates, its own writing. This can include legal documents, making many people wonder if it could be beneficial in navigating the legal system. While a lot of people find ChatGPT useful, is it really a… Continue reading Can Co-Parents Use ChatGPT to Navigate the Legal System?

Frequently Asked Questions about Divorce in Virginia

When it comes to divorce, people often have many different questions. Divorce is a complex process, involving several different topics and it will vary depending on your unique situation. While we recommend speaking to a divorce attorney about your case, we have compiled a list of some of the most frequently asked questions about divorce… Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions about Divorce in Virginia

Gray Divorce in Virginia: The Ultimate Boomer Divorce Guide

If you’re considering asking for a divorce after 50, you aren’t alone. The divorce rate after the age of 50 has doubled since 1990 and has tripled for people over 65 according to a study by Bowling Green State University. Couples who once felt they had to stay together for their children or to meet traditional… Continue reading Gray Divorce in Virginia: The Ultimate Boomer Divorce Guide

FAQ About Family Law / Domestic Relations in Virginia

How quickly can I get a divorce in Virginia? If you have a written property settlement agreement, we can usually get you divorced in approximately six weeks, if the other side is cooperative. If you do not have an agreement, the Courts try and have a divorce trial within one year of filing.   How… Continue reading FAQ About Family Law / Domestic Relations in Virginia

How Can I Get Custody of My Pet When I Divorce My Spouse in Washington DC ?

Can I get pet custody during a divorce in Washington DC? Now you can! In December of 2022, Washington DC joined several states who require judges to hear evidence on what is the best interest of the pet. These states include Alaska, New York, New Hampshire, California, and Illinois.  In these cases, the Court will… Continue reading How Can I Get Custody of My Pet When I Divorce My Spouse in Washington DC ?

How to Find the Best Divorce Lawyer for You in Virginia

When it comes to choosing a divorce lawyer, the choices can be overwhelming. Choosing the right kind of lawyer can make or break your case so it is important to choose wisely. These tips should help your search. Respect First, it is important to choose a divorce lawyer who respects and values the ethics of… Continue reading How to Find the Best Divorce Lawyer for You in Virginia

Digital Assets and Divorce in Virginia

Five years ago, I had never heard of Bitcoin or NFTs. Now, we are valuing and distributing these assets in divorce matters. Understanding hidden digital assets and divorce can be difficult. If you are getting divorced and believe that your spouse has or is hiding digital assets, you should speak to a Virginia divorce attorney… Continue reading Digital Assets and Divorce in Virginia

Separation Agreement Lawyer in Virginia

Do you need a separation agreement lawyer in Virginia? While some people may not think so, having a separation agreement lawyer in Virginia ensures that you follow the law and conduct the correct procedure for your separation. Having a professional agreement drafted by a lawyer may save you thousands of dollars when later trying to… Continue reading Separation Agreement Lawyer in Virginia

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