19 Year Old Faces Charges After Alleged Fairfax County DUI Death

A 19 year old Virginia woman is facing DUI and hit and run charges after an August 18 accident in Fairfax County. Learn more about the crash and charges here.

Uh Oh…Papa Joe Simpson Blew a 0.12 at a DUI Checkpoint

Joe Simpson, father and manager of pop star Jessica Simpson, has been charged with drunken driving for failing a breathalyzer test at a DUI checkpoint.

Fairfax DUI Attorneys on Mandatory Minimums for DUI Conviction

Do you know exactly what’s in store for you if you are found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol in Northern Virginia? Read on.

Sterling Man Arrested for Alleged Loudoun County Drunk Driving Crash

A recent Loudoun County crash resulted in two people being taken to the hospital and one person arrested for driving under the influence. Learn more here.

How to Get Your Virginia Driver’s License Back after a DUI Conviction

A Virginia court may require you to do certain things before driving again after a DUI. Learn how a Fairfax DUI defense lawyer may be able to help you.

Virginia Social Host Liability – Should You be Worried?

Can you be held liable for a drunk-driving accident after hosting a party at your house? Learn about Virginia social host liability law in this article.

What May Happen After a Drunk-Driving Conviction in Virginia

Learn what can happen to you if you are convicted of drunk driving in Virginia and why you may need a Fairfax DUI defense attorney after a drunk driving arrest.

’80s Rock Icon Rick Springfield Reaches Deal in DUI Arrest

’80s rock icon Rick Springfield has reached a deal relating to a DUI arrest in 2011. If you’ve been arrested for DUI, contact a Fairfax DUI lawyer today.

If I refuse to take a breathalyzer test in Virginia, will I be convicted of DUI?

Refusing to take a breathalyzer test is an important action with potentially serious consequences. When you applied for your Virginia driver’s license, you agreed to certain things. One of those things was to comply with the requests of a police officer if you are pulled over while driving. Thus, if a police officer requests that you take a breathalyzer test and you refuse, then you may be violating the law.If you refuse to submit to a breathalyzer test in Virginia, you may be arrested. A police officer may decide to arrest you if you refuse to take the test at the scene of the accident or at the police station. The arrest and resulting criminal charges will be in addition to whatever charges you may, or may not, face for drunk driving.Whether you have been arrested for refusing to take a breathalyzer test, or your breathalyzer test registered a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, you should contact a Fairfax DUI defense lawyer as soon as possible. Your refusal to take a breathalyzer test at a police officer’s request may carry a fine and/or license suspension, in addition to the fine or license suspension that you potentially face for your alleged drunk driving. An experienced Fairfax DUI defense attorney can help you understand your rights, protect your rights, and fight hard for the just resolution of your case.For more information, please contact our Northern Virginia DUI defense law firm at (703) 385-5529.

NFL Running Back Charged with DUI Hours After Setting Franchise Record

Atlanta Falcons running back Michael Turner was arrested for drunk driving and speeding last month. Learn more about the charges and alleged incident here.

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