Do I Need a Wrongful Termination Attorney in Fairfax

If you feel that you lost your job for an unlawful reason, you may be able to file a claim for wrongful termination against your employer. Wrongful termination cases can be complex, so consulting with an attorney in Fairfax Virginia is a great way to protect your interests.


Understanding At Will Employment


Most employees in the U.S. are at-will employees. This means your employer can fire you without any reason at all. However, there are a few exceptions. You can’t be fired for an unlawful reason. So, what are unlawful reasons?


Unlawful termination includes things like the following:


  • Firing a worker out of retaliation for making a discrimination complaint or complaining about illegal conduct.
  • Terminating an employee because they filed a claim for sexual harassment
  • Firing someone in violation of labor laws
  • Terminating a worker in violation of anti-discrimination laws


These are just a few examples, not an exhaustive list. The best way to know if your termination was legal or not is by consulting with a wrongful termination attorney in Fairfax.


 Wrongful Termination Cases in Virginia


There are several types of wrongful termination, and each one requires a different approach. Wrongful Termination also covers a variety of topics. This is why it’s crucial to have an experienced, skilled attorney on your case to ensure you understand the laws and protect your interests.


Some of the most common types of wrongful termination include the following:


  • FMLA cases
  • Differential Treatment among you and your coworkers
  • Violation of employment contract
  • Discrimination cases (gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, etc.)
  • EEOC violations
  • Termination that flies in the face of public policy
  • Retaliation and whistleblowing cases


Do You Need a Wrongful Termination Attorney in Fairfax?


If you were filed unlawfully, you may be able to recover damages such as lost pay, back pay, lost benefits, attorney’s fees, punitive damages and more. It’s important to meet with an experienced employment lawyer to discuss your case.


If you are in need of an attorney’s advice, please contact Cook, Craig, and Francuzenko today. Our firm has attorneys who specialize in a variety of practice areas. With over 100 years of combined experience, we are seasoned professionals ready to help you.

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