Outside General Counsel – Legal Counsel for Your Business
Good legal advice and counsel are “value added” to any small, medium, and large business. Counsel can manage risk and spot and eliminate problems BEFORE they occur, conserving corporate resources for more productive use. For example, your Counsel can help: Avoid and manage employee disputes Craft compensation plans Draft employee handbooks and company policies Handle corporate governance problems concerning shareholders, Directors and officers Prepare contracts Protect intellectual property Advise on corporate structure, and Eenhance profits by avoiding costs incurred by errantly “going it alone.” But, not every business can afford a full time General Counsel. That dilemma can be solved by recruiting Outside General Counsel – a private attorney or Firm with skill and experience in a variety of corporate legal matters. Outside General Counsel is just that – general – similar to a general practitioner physician. Outside Counsel can represent the business in ways such as: Corporate legal matters and disputes Handle day-to-day legal matters related to contracts and non-disclosure agreements HR issues Leasing and the like. Outside Counsel can also help solve more complex legal matters personally, through his or her law firm, or outsourcing and managing the problem through an attorney that focuses on the issue. In