Guide to ADA Compliant Website Claims

ADA compliant website claims can arise from websites that are seen as discriminatory towards people with disabilities. Whether you are currently facing a claim, or looking to protect your company from future claims, its important to speak to an attorney. Understanding the laws and having an experienced attorney on your case will help you ensure… Continue reading Guide to ADA Compliant Website Claims

Your “Free” Usage of Some Websites May Cost You More than You Know

“If it’s free… you’re the product.” That saying has never been truer at any point in time than in 2021. If you use Facebook, Google, Snapchat, TikTok, or Amazon, then you are the product, no matter what service they provide you, and you’re the best-selling product they’ll ever have. Against such large multinational corporations what… Continue reading Your “Free” Usage of Some Websites May Cost You More than You Know

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