Overtime Owed- Wage Lawyer in Virginia

When it comes to overtime pay, there can be a bit of confusion. However, it is important to understand whether you owed overtime pay or are exempt from overtime. If you have questions or believe that you are owed overtime pay and your employer refuses to pay, please contact our office. Is it illegal not… Continue reading Overtime Owed- Wage Lawyer in Virginia

PRESS RELEASE: Cook Prevails in United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

Partner John C. Cook prevailed in an important case in front of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. The sexual discrimination case, Nixon v. Kysela, involves a woman who was hired by her boyfriend’s company. When she ended the sexual relationship between the two, she was fired. The United States District… Continue reading PRESS RELEASE: Cook Prevails in United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

Negotiating and Accepting Severance Agreements in Virginia

Whether you are an employee or employer, negotiating and accepting severance agreements in Virginia can be a complex matter. This is not a gift or a simple payout. A severance package is a deal, and it needs to be treated as one. We highly recommend having an attorney help you draft and review any severance… Continue reading Negotiating and Accepting Severance Agreements in Virginia

Labor Laws- Collective Bargaining and Union Attorney

United States labor laws allow employees to form unions and engage in collective bargaining with their employers. There are certain rights and responsibilities given to these employees and their employers must also follow the rules defined in state and federal laws. However, these laws can be complex and difficult to understand. Some states limit the… Continue reading Labor Laws- Collective Bargaining and Union Attorney

Is Age Discrimination Legal in Virginia?

Is age discrimination legal in Virginia? 1/4 of American workers are 55 or older, and yet, age discrimination persists in the workplace. Unfortunately, this keeps many people out of certain jobs. Older workers are facing longer periods of unemployment, more stressful job hunts, and crushing financial stress. So, is this legal? If not, what can… Continue reading Is Age Discrimination Legal in Virginia?

Can You Get Wrongful Termination in a Layoff?

Can you get wrongfully terminated in a layoff? Some types of wrongful termination are illegal in Virginia, but they are narrowly defined. So, it only applies in certain circumstances. Generally, private sector employees are considered to be employed “at will” and can be discharged for any reason, or no reason at all unless the employee’s… Continue reading Can You Get Wrongful Termination in a Layoff?

How Much Can You Get for Unpaid Wages or Bonus?

If you believe you have an unpaid wages claim, you may be wondering how much you can get. Well, we are here to help you understand what you are owed and how to get it. Unpaid wages can come from various factors like unpaid overtime, withheld paychecks, or minimum wage violations. With the help of… Continue reading How Much Can You Get for Unpaid Wages or Bonus?

FTC’s Ban on Non-Competes is the Big News in Employment This Year …. Or is it?

This week the Federal Trade Commission upended the world of employment law by passing a final rule banning almost all non-compete agreements for employees and independent contractors. Employees must be informed that their existing non-compete agreements are no longer valid. Existing non-competes for senior executives remain in effect. Non-competes remain legal as part of a… Continue reading FTC’s Ban on Non-Competes is the Big News in Employment This Year …. Or is it?

Is Withholding Tips Illegal in Virginia?

Is withholding tips illegal in Virginia? A large portion of Virginia employees who wait tables, serve or mix drinks, open doors, clean hotel rooms, or provide other services, earn tips. In fact, some employees earn more tips than they do wages. If you receive tips as part of your compensation, your legal rights under the… Continue reading Is Withholding Tips Illegal in Virginia?

Can Employers Pay Under Minimum Wage in Virginia

Virginia minimum wage laws are created to protect employees from exploitation and unduly low pay. But what happens when you are being paid under minimum wage in Virginia? Is it illegal? Does your employer owe you more? Virginia Minimum Wage Laws Virginia minimum wage is set at $12 per hour, based on federal guidelines. These… Continue reading Can Employers Pay Under Minimum Wage in Virginia

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