How to Stop Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Virginia
If you are experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace in Virginia, you should immediately report the harassment to your employer. You should also contact an attorney to discuss your situation. Sexual harassment can happen to anyone regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that can hurt the health and wellbeing of workers. Types of Workplace Sexual Harassment There are two main types of workplace sexual harassment: hostile work environment and quid pro quo. Hostile work environment sexual harassment occurs when someone you work with makes you the target of unwelcome sexually suggestive or demeaning comments, repeated requests for dates, offensive touching or gesture, pornographic material, intimidating behaviors, jokes, or pranks. These offenses must be severe and pervasive. This means it happens often enough to affect your ability to do your job well. Importantly, it must be conduct that is directed at you because of your gender or gender expression. Conduct that is directed at all employees, even if offensive, may not qualify as discrimination. Another way it occurs is if your employer provides less favorable work conditions to you than your different sex coworkers simply because of your gender status. The second